Beauty is …

Tempo di lettura: 2 min

Beauty… What is beauty exactly? Is it the exterior part of a woman, or her soul? Is it the way a child dresses up, or the way he smiles at life? Is beauty the powerful sensation that you have when you win, or is it the feeling of safety? Can it be the love for a brand new car, or the love of a mother towards her child? Is beauty how two lovers look together or the way they look at each other? Is beauty perhaps the way a ballerina dances on her feet along with the music, or can it be the peaceful silence? Is it the smell of freedom, or the sound of the water crashing onto the shore? Can it also be the hug of a friend while you are feeling sad? Is it a bright lightning that lights up the stormy sky making you want to cuddle up, or is it a little pink jelly fish swimming peacefully in the deep blue sea? Is beauty the sparkling stars in a dark romantic night or can it also be the wonderful sunset? Is fantasy beauty too? How about the notes of a song floating in the air like white feathers? Being different is beauty, or simply being yourself is? Can you reach it or is it something that you can’t touch, or feel? Is beauty black or white? Complicated, or simple? Well there is one thing that I know about beauty… it’s wonderful how it affects every single day making us reflect on the values of life, and changing in this way our acts and our character for the better. It’s interesting how everyone sees it in different ways and in different things, but it builds the same unique feeling inside everyone’s heart, encouraging us to wake up in the morning with hopes and dreams for the day, for the feature…

Camilla Bianco (4E) – Corrispondente dell’UmberTimes dagli Stati Uniti d’America

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